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Her passion 

Image Sylvie Latrille abord de son chaland

Oyster farmer :

As a  "deep cup" natural habitat oyster farmer I use traditional Arcachon farming methods in plankton rich and well oxygenated beds.

On site sale of oysters and their history. I favour oysters that  spawn and develop in the bay.

Through my approach I am contributing to the preservation of the Arcachon ecosystem.

A friendly and unhurried reception in an authentic atmosphere.


Her values 

Sylvie Latrille triant ses huîtres.
  • A demand for high quality produce,
  • Knowledge and promotion of natural habitat,
  • A passion for people,
  • Sharing experience in lively and enthusiastic exchanges.

Her background 

Born in the country I have strong links with the earth, nature and farming.

A graduate in biology (bio chemistry and endocrinology) I started by using my skills in quality control and production for a pharmaceutical laboratory.

My committment to the environment has strengthened my knowledge of  the "living world" and especially of global oyster farming issues.

My drive and resililence have enabled me to find my "niche" in this tough and virile profession.

Image du parc à huîtres

Setting up 

The slipway at Piraillan

Having successfully switched from the Earth to the Sea I launched my oyster production site obtaining endorsements for: dispatchment, tasting, and a farm exploration base as well as authorisation for boat outings.


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